See what others are saying!
"I learned so much and was deeply moved by Adrian's presentation... He spoke with passion and purpose. His heart is truly in this work, and he does it well... I hope to book him to speak again because local youth need to hear his message to be encouraged to avoid the street life and to stay on the straight and narrow path in life."
Cris Houston, Esq.
"I was drawn to his personality; the way he communicated with the audience through his captivating storytelling of his life. You have to reach one to teach one."
Catherine Wiley, Case Manager
Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network-(KCF)
"The children and families connected with his story and were engaged in the presentation, activities, and Q&A session. Adrian was inspiring not only to the youth and families, but also the staff and community partners that attended."
Tiffany Douglas, LMSW
Division Director Klaras Center for Families
"Adrian spoke in a way that reflected professionalism and yet was true to his roots. I believe his youthful appearance helps draw in the attention of young adults and children while his vast experience has made him wise and mature to draw in and keep the attention of the more seasoned crowd... It is my opinion that his testimony inspires hope."
Yliana Lynn QMHC-CSII
Intergrated Health in Teague